Ignition Scheme Annual Showcase 2017-2018

  • 2018 / 7 / 11 - 22
  • H6 CONET, The Center, Central

'Ignition Scheme Annual Showcase 2017-2018' Reserve the date!



Funded by the Lee Hysan Foundation and the Jean C K Ho Family Foundation, the three-year Ignition Scheme is designed to promote arts among young people with disabilities. ADAHK partnered with four local special schools, including the Ebenezer School, Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre, Sam Shui Natives Association Lau Pun Cheung School and R.C.H.H. Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School to unleash the artistic potential in young people with disabilities during their formative years.


To demonstrate the learning outcomes of students and artists participating in the “Ignition Scheme” program, the second year annual showcase will be taken place on July 11 (2:30 pm to 3:30 pm) H6 CONET, The Center. Students from the four schools will share their the art projects with all the guests in different art forms, including “Ceramics”, “Visual Art”, “Flute/ Trumpet” and “Latin Dance/ Street Dance”.


The Visual Arts Exhibition will be hold from 11th of July to 22th of July, 2018 (8am to 10om daily) for public visit.



Ms Fion Hung

Tel: 2286 2503

Fax: 2872 5246

Email: fionhung@adahk.org.hk