Lam Chun Bing

Visual Arts
Painting, Ceramics
Photo of Lam Chun Bing
Artwork (painting) photo 1 of Lam Chun Bing
Artwork (painting) photo 2 of Lam Chun Bing
Artwork (ceramics) photo 1 of Lam Chun Bing
Artwork (ceramics) photo 2 of Lam Chun Bing
Artwork (ceramics) photo 3 of Lam Chun Bing


Chun Bing observes human face carefully and is able to delicately portray the key features. He is also fond of ceramics and his artwork includes characters in Chinese myths and equipment of superman such as swords and helmets.


His work “East vs West” in which Chun Bing put a character in Chinese myth Guangong and another ceramics artwork with the face of the Sun and the body of Statue of Liberty together to bring out the idea of exchange of Chinese and Western characters was awarded the Merit Prize at “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities2012”(Youth Division).




 Merit Award (“East vs West”), “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2012” (Youth Division), Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong





 “Festival of Inclusive Arts 2013”, Inclusive Arts Exhibition, ADA


 Painting Training, The Rock Foundation