'Beyond Sight' Non-visual Photography @ West Kowloon Station Exhibition: Sarah

'Beyond Sight' Non-visual Photography @ West Kowloon Station Exhibition

Extraordinary amongst the Ordinary


‘Extraordinary amongst the Ordinary’


@ Sky Corridor at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station


'A bunch of small, inconspicuous leaves are scattered on the Sky Corridor of Hong Kong West Kowloon Station. The slender branches and leaves radiate in all directions. The low-angle shot reveals that the lush green leaves are bright red underneath like maple leaves. Ordinary objects can only be savoured from an extraordinary perspective.'







 @ Arrival Concourse at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station (Level B2)


'Since I discovered myself in my first photographic work, every time I take pictures, I will look for my shadow on a reflective surface.'



Waiting silently


‘Waiting silently’


@ Taxi Stand at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station (Level B2)


'The closed Hong Kong West Kowloon Station is empty, though the advertising light boxes are still on, reflecting on the smooth floor. The blurry foreground is preparing for brighter days to come.'



Green Road


‘Green Road’


@ Arrival Concourse at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station (Level B2)


'A strip of indoor vegetation attracted me. The plants are high and low, sparse and dense. Some are like solid hemispheres, and some look like loose aquatic plants. The green road resembles life.'