Arts Accessibility International Symposium Guest: Ms Sandy Poon Tsz Chai

Promotional image of Arts Accessibility International Symposium

Photo of Ms Sandy Poon Tsz Chai


Ms Sandy Poon Tsz Chai
Jockey Club Artspiration Academy
St. James' Settlement


Ms Sandy Poon Tsz Chai is one of the D-MEN artists in the Jockey Club Artspiration Academy of St. James' Settlement, in which she studied Clay Art, Yoga and Dance. Sandy has been fond of painting and handcrafting since childhood. She likes to hand-paint self-portraits of characters, use rabbits to represent herself, and create stories for the characters. She is imaginative and creative, and the colour yellow, which represents vitality and hope, is her favourite.


Supporter: Mr Fanson Lam ▎Sculptor and Collaborator